By Giving You Skills To Raise Funds, Raise A Team,
And Finish Your Trip With Renewed Vision For How
God Has Wired You On Purpose And With A Purpose.
Every trip starts with a vision; a picture that connects you with what God is doing to love and serve others. We help you make that vision a reality. You need help planning, fundraising, and designing other best practices that will take you and your team from chaos to success.
Then you come home.
Often the most important but overlooked part of any mission trip is what happens when you return. It’s often a time to celebrate, but can include confusing and unsettled aspects.
Maybe you’re disoriented or disappointed in what you experienced. Without intentional time to reflect you can be left floating in confusion. The trip becomes merely a memory; a few photos on social media.
Basecamp Training is designed help you, your team and your church with perspective. Connecting what God did [or didn’t do] with where he may be calling you to greater service or next steps.